FUJIFILM Corporation, a multi-national imaging and informatics solutions leader, today announced its plan to launch a Systems Integration (SI) business, operating under FUJIFILM Corporation Medical Systems and Endoscopy Division, and initiating in the United States market. Fujifilm’s SI offering is designed specifically for image and data integration in the operating room (OR) and interventional suites, and will act as the connector between Fujifilm’s medical image capture products and Synapse Enterprise Imaging portfolio for image storage, management, viewing and analytics technologies.

“Fujifilm is acutely aware of the need for full image integration from capture to management to storage, as patient data becomes more and more important to hospitals for delivering the best possible patient care and thorough, accurate analytics,” says Keiichi Nagata, General Manager, Endoscopy System Div. Medical System Business Div., FUJIFILM Corporation. “Fujifilm is well positioned to enter the Systems Integration market because we are the only vendor that offers not only endoscopic imaging, but modality solutions and enterprise-wide IT products as well—capturing the full clinical value chain.”

Keiichi Nagata will lead Fujifilm’s SI business. Devon Bream, FACHE, will serve as Global Vice President and General Manager of the group and brings over 25 years of experience in systems integration, sales and marketing to this pivotal role. Other key members of the team include Tony Hermes, Global Director of Sales, Joe Lamkin, Global Director of Business Development, and Carly Panchura, MPH, Global Director of Marketing.

“We are thrilled to have a best in class team dedicated to our Systems Integration initiative. Our combined excellent experience, work ethic, and creativity will drive our success in quickly building this new, strategically powerful capability that will allow us to offer a fully integrated product portfolio to hospitals and health systems across our lines of business,” says Devon Bream. “Ultimately, the realization of our Systems Integration business will allow our providers to better integrate all imaging technologies while further solidifying Fujifilm’s healthcare technology leadership position.”

Fujifilm expects its SI business to officially launch the first quarter of 2020. The company’s portfolio will be targeted to enterprise-wide providers including general ORs, hybrid ORs, and all interventional specialties including gastrointestinal.

The global Systems Integration OR market is reported to be worth $1.7 billion, and the U.S. market is estimated at $1B with a compound annual growth rate of 11%, according to a report published by Allied Market Research titled, ‘Operating Room Integration Market.

Source: Company Press Release