Docbot has enrolled first subjects in a clinical trial to validate its Ultivision AI imaging platform to detect adenoma during colonoscopy screenings.

The Artificial Intelligence for the Detection of Adenomas in Screening Colonoscopies (AIDA) trial is a US multicentre study, designed to enrol a total of 978 subjects across 6 sites in the US.

The first subjects were enrolled at Gastro Health, a medical group of US gastroenterology providers located in Birmingham, Alabama.

Principal investigator of the trial Robert A Shaffer said: “Colonoscopy has been proven to be the most effective screening modality for the prevention of colon cancer, however, the rate of new colon cancer cases in the US has held steady at about 38 per 100,000 people.

“With my brief experience with Docbot’s AI platform, I believe AI has the potential to drive these rates lower by providing an additional layer of expert imaging analysis to ensure adenomas aren’t missed during exams.”

Docbot developed Ultivision platform using over 20 million annotated images

Ultivision is a software platform that leverages machine learning and algorithms to facilitate real-time, expert-level analysis during imaging of colonoscopy and endoscopy screenings.

The platform is capable of analysing more than 100 frames per second without lag to enable colonoscopists deliver consistent high quality examination, and aims at potentially reducing the rate of interval colon cancers.

The company has developed the Ultivision platform based on more than 20 million annotated images curated over seven years and the self-annotating database of the platform allows the algorithm to continuously learn as more exams are performed.

Docbot said that the clinical trial will support the filing of a De Novo application submission for the regulatory approval of Ultivision software for colonoscopy in the US.

Docbot CEO and co-founder Andrew Ninh said: “Despite the U.S. spending more than $20 billion per year on 18 million colonoscopies, colon cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death.

“Many publications, including those featuring Ultivision, have shown to greatly enhance diagnostic capabilities in numerous modalities. We believe our real-time AI for colonoscopy will lead to improved detection and enhanced patient care. We look forward to having enrollment completed in the AIDA study and reporting by end of year.”