Zoll’s R Series Code-Ready Defibrillators, the original ALS and the newer R Series Plus, offer mainstream capnography (EtCO2) and non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) options. These additional monitoring parameters assist rescuers in monitoring of critically ill patients and are useful before, during, and after a cardiac arrest. The R Series is designed to extend ‘Simple, Smart, Ready’ defibrillation to every hospital department with advanced, cost-effective solutions for resuscitation.

The R Series ALS is the most advanced ALS defibrillator available with networking capabilities and See-Thru CPR. The R Series Plus, which has both AED and ALS capabilities, also has networking capabilities and See-Thru CPR. R Series Plus is an easy-to-use AED that becomes a manual defibrillator at the touch of a button. Like all other Zoll defibrillators, these models provide the Real CPR Help feature.

Reportedly, all R Series defibrillators use the same uniform operating system common to all Zoll defibrillators. The cables, paddles, batteries, handles, and electrodes are also common to ensure clinicians won’t encounter a mismatch in a time of crisis. In addition, R Series ALS and Plus models can use wireless networking to ensure code-readiness.

New to ZOLL is Intravascular Temperature Management (IVTM). These systems offer health care providers the power and control they need to rapidly, safely, and effectively manage the core body temperature of critically ill or surgical patients. The Thermogard XPAdvanced Temperature Management System delivers accurate, easy-to-use and cost-effective control for both cooling and warming applications. A range of endovascular catheters for cooling and warming also incorporate central venous infusion capabilities.

Also new to the ZOLL exhibit is the PocketCPR for the iPhone, an application which provides CPR training with real-time feedback. The application provides clear visual and audio step-by-step coaching on CPR performance and includes the initial steps to follow in the Chain of Survival. Attendees who take the CPR test on either the AED Plus or AED Pro, or listen to a product demo, will be able to download the PocketCPR application onto their iPhone or iPod Touch.

Additional products and technologies on display include:

The AutoPulse Non-invasive Cardiac Support Pump which provides CPR chest compressions when the heart is no longer effectively circulating blood due to ventricular fibrillation or cardiac standstill. It features an easy-to-use, load-distributing LifeBand that squeezes the entire chest, improving blood flow to the heart and brain during sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). The AutoPulse may offer a significant advantage over manual CPR, moving blood more consistently than human providers. The device delivers high-quality, uninterrupted chest compressions to maintain myocardial and cerebral perfusion. Additionally, it offers the benefit of freeing up clinicians to focus on other life-saving interventions.

The LifeVest Wearable Defibrillator, worn by patients at risk of SCA, provides protection during a patient’s changing condition and when permanent SCA risk has not been established. The LifeVest allows a patient’s physician time to assess their long-term arrhythmic risk and make appropriate plans. The LifeVest is lightweight and easy to wear, allowing patients to return to their activities of daily living, while having the peace of mind that they are protected from SCA. The LifeVest continuously monitors the patient’s heart and, if a life-threatening heart rhythm is detected, the device delivers a treatment shock to restore normal heart rhythm. The LifeVest does not require bystander intervention and has a 98 percent first treatment shock success rate for resuscitating patients from SCA. To date, the LifeVest has been prescribed to more than 19,000 patients.

STEMI solutions that enable hospitals to rapidly transmit data from the field into the cath lab to assist clinicians in meeting standards for door-to-balloon times.

ZOLL’s complete line of professional defibrillators and AEDs featuring unique technologies including:

Real CPR Help feedback has been incorporated into all ZOLL defibrillators and AEDs to help rescuers provide high-quality manual CPR. This feedback technology features real-time auditory and visual feedback for gauging the rate and depth of CPR chest compressions.

See-Thru CPR, offered on the R Series, E Series, and AED Pro, is an industry-filtering technology that allows professional rescuers to view a patient’s underlying cardiac rhythm by filtering CPR artifact during resuscitation efforts. This may decrease CPR interruptions that were previously required to assess the cardiac rhythm.

CodeNet, the first software system that allows hospital teams to better document, manage, and review cardiac arrest event and resuscitation information. CodeNet brings new improvements and efficiencies in data capture, event time synchronization, and case and aggregate reporting. It is the only system that time stamps logged events and synchronizes these times with defibrillator data, providing clinicians with a complete and accurate timeline of an entire cardiac arrest event.