
In order to reduce degradation of image quality caused by scatter radiation, the Virtual Grid automatically adapts its processing to replicate grid use.

XRWARE co-founder Jean Pierre Bruandet said: "The new physics-based processing is designed for exams such as routine portable chest and abdomen exams that traditionally require high penetration; it identifies and considerably reduces scatter effect to generate higher quality images for exams where a grid is not used."

XRWARE Virtual grid can be used for mobile imaging in emergency room, operating room, nursing home, bedside, wheel chair and other exams, where there is lack of optimal grid or any grid on hand.

According to the company, Virtual Grid is available as a SDK available for integration into an existing product.

The XRWARE x-ray imaging suite includes seven modules and specifications, comprising Xrware Simulation for whole system modeling, Xrware 2D Image Processing for accurate analysis of images and Xrware Tomography Reconstruction to generate object model from its projections.

The suite also includes Xrware 3D Image Processing for more accurate analysis, Xrware Analysis for quantification and diagnosis, Xrware Acquisition, including acquisition from most popular DR manufacturers and Vizualisation for a better visualization study.

Image: The new Xrware Virtual Grid. Photo: courtesy of XRWARE.