iCare EMR integrates a simulated electronic medical record into a learning tool for students to prepare future nurses for the demands of the evolving healthcare climate in the 21st century.

The deal allows Wolters Kluwer Health to broaden its portfolio of EMR documentation and simulation support tools for nursing students, instructors and professionals.

Nursing students can record and retrieve data pertinent to ‘care,’ such as physical assessments, vital signs and medication administration.

Within the simulation education environment, nursing students can electronically document their ‘care’ and then have that record available to them in all phases of the nursing curriculum.

Additionally, the Nursing faculty can also build their own patient-care scenarios and evaluate students on documentation of physical assessments as well as general EMR documentation skills.

iCare co-founder Tami Wyatt said software was built from the clinician’s and educator’s perspectives to provide an exceptionally intuitive and user-friendly, educationally-based EMR.

Wolters Kluwer Health Digital Acquisitions editor John Jordan said the acquisition of iCare will allow instructors and students to have complete integration of the textbook, the simulation lab and the classroom.