The purpose of the Forum is to help family offices and foundations develop and implement their individual pro-social impact investing, grant-giving, and philanthropy programs within health and the life sciences.

To accomplish this mission the Forum showcases presentations and panel discussions by leading scientists, accomplished healthcare delivery professionals, health-policy experts and private-sector companies engaged in developing innovations with the potential for transformational impact on disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Michael Moffat, Cavendish co-founder and President explains, "With the help of our expert advisors, we conduct a global search of research institutions and private-sector companies in order to identify organizations that meet the required standard of excellence.

The quality and originality of Vascular Flow Technology's research and scientific insights in peripheral arterial/venous disease and arteriovenous access for haemodialysis patients positions them to make a major contribution to the treatment of these diseases/conditions.

Vascular Flow Technologies CEO Bill Allan noted that the company is honored to be selected to present at this unique event, and it is further recognition of our innovative approach to treating peripheral vascular conditions afflicting populations around the world today.

"We welcome the chance to interact with many of world's leading scientific minds, thought-leaders and generous philanthropic individuals and families who are all dedicated to the common cause of improving the health and lives of people around the world," Allan added.