Developed in 1996, US Oncology acquired iKnowMed in 2004. The comprehensive collaboration between the oncology physicians since the acquisition has led to a technology excellence that is completely focused on the needs of community oncologists and their patients.

Current iKnowMed goes beyond delivering standard EHR features by leveraging technology that helps physicians focus on clinical excellence and cost effectiveness in community cancer care. iKnowMed facilitates access to powerful new solutions such as US Oncology’s Innovent Oncology program, which provides Level I evidence-based medicine pathways to help oncologists realize the benefits of pay-for-performance. For practices participating in the US Oncology Research network, iKnowMed can match patients to appropriate clinical trials, increasing access to the latest treatment opportunities across the nation.

Other features of iKnowMed include oncology-specific terminology, decision support, outcomes reporting, imaging reports, comprehensive patient history, comprehensive cancer regimen library, dictation and transcription, lab results, detailed cancer diagnosis and staging content, and practice efficiencies.

“As America’s healthcare system moves toward a pay-for-performance environment, in which higher-performing doctors receive preferred compensation, it is essential that oncology practices accurately document and report outcomes while achieving greater efficiency,” says Cindy Chavez, vice president of iKnowMed. “iKnowMed provides solutions that will help drive this clinical excellence.”

“We’re excited about the opportunity to offer our electronic health record system to the open market,” says Bruce Broussard, president and CEO of US Oncology. “With the recent signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which offers incentives to physicians for the meaningful use of health technology, we are proud to offer oncologists an EHR solution that is specifically designed to meet their needs.”

iKnowMed provides physicians with online access to patient records 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This allows treatment decisions to be made from anywhere at any time, without the need of a hardcopy patient record. Patient safety is enhanced by eliminating handwritten notes and orders, minimizing misinterpretations, and the system detects possible medication conflicts, generating a safety alert to the attending oncologist and staff. The system also helps practices stay current on billing as charge codes, billable units, primary diagnosis codes and billable drug waste for each visit are calculated, allowing staff to spend more time focusing on patient care.

Community oncologists across the nation are invited to attend a special webinar focusing on the Medicare Health Information Technology (HIT) Stimulus at 2 pm EDT, Friday, July 10.

Sponsored by iKnowMed, this webinar will feature a status report of standards for qualified EHRs and meaningful use requirements — as defined by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT) at the Secretariat of Health & Human Services (HHS) –how standards should be set, and which standards should apply to oncology-specific EHRs.