The Riverview center initiated treatments on three patients with non-melanoma skin cancers under the direction of James S. Welsh, M.S., M.D., the center’s radiation oncologist and a clinical professor in the Department of Human Oncology and Medical Physics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. On the planning and delivery of the treatments Dr. Welsh collaborated with Yi Rong, Ph.D., chief medical physicist at UW Cancer Center Riverview. At the 51st annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Dr. Rong will be discussing this process.


We are dedicated to bringing the most complete and innovative cancer care to patients in central Wisconsin, which is why we are so excited to introduce electronic brachytherapy as a treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer, said Dr. Welsh. By using the Xoft skin applicator, which just became available in June, we shorten the course of treatment and precisely conform the radiation dose to the cancerous cells to preserve healthy surrounding tissue. This is safer both for patients and for radiation therapy staff who are able to remain in the room to monitor and reassure patients during the treatments.


Axxent eBx System is FDA cleared for treatment of early stage breast cancer, endometrial cancer, skin cancer, surface cancers or conditions where radiation therapy is indicated, including IORT (intraoperative radiation therapy). The system is designed to deliver non-radioactive therapy directly to cancer sites with a minimal radiation exposure to surrounding healthy tissue. Utilizing robotic controller and a miniaturized X-ray source, treatment can be performed in minimally shielded therapeutic settings thus allowing the medical personnel and radiation oncologist to be present during treatment delivery and minimizing patient anxiety.