Webmedx creates customized queries and mines discrete, structured data from the physician’s dictated, transcribed reports stored within its system. Termed Narradata, the information is combined with data mined from the organization’s EHR to meet core measures reporting requirements.

At UK HealthCare, ejection fraction results for acute myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure patients will be the first Narradata element to be mined.

Webmedx helps in the transition by giving physicians a choice in how they document notes and reports: physician self-completion with front-end speech, medical transcriptionist editing with back-end speech, or traditional transcription.

Carol Steltenkamp, chief medical information officer of UK HealthCare, said: “I had heard reference of data mining capabilities from other vendors, but this is the first time I’ve seen it in action. Not every type of report or physician note is suitable for template-based documentation within our EHR, so dictation still plays a role.”

Chris Cashwell, senior vice president of client development at Webmedx, said: “UK HealthCare chose Webmedx based on our long-standing reputation for exceptional customer support, our ability to mine discrete clinical data from transcribed reports, and three physician documentation options within a single, physician-friendly user interface: speech, voice and traditional transcription.”