U-Systems said that the upgrades are designed to enable faster access to patient images and help radiologists simplify reading protocols for higher productivity.

Release One-5 is the latest update to U-Systems somo-VIEWer Advanced ABUS Workstation and it supports import/export of all DICOM images and compare View allows side-by-side comparison of same-patient serial exams.

Release One-5 also establishes a bi-directional e-link to Hologic SecurView diagnostic workstations, allowing corresponding mammography and ABUS cases to be opened simultaneously.

U-Systems also reported the introduction of SomoSTORAGE Departmental Storage Solution, designed to store multimodality breast images, including large-volume 3D ultrasound data files.

SomoSTORAGE delivers a new way to view data storage directories, transforming ordinary, text-based file names into graphic-based image galleries for rapid visualization of the file content.

SomoSTORAGE was developed to operate independently or seamlessly integrate into existing PACS environments providing a central place to securely store and share 3D breast ultrasound data files or any DICOM images.

U-Systems president and CEO Ron Ho said that the SomoSTORAGE Solution enables radiologists to efficiently store, organize and share images with colleagues and when combined with the workflow efficiencies delivered by Release One-5, these upgrades address two elements crucial to departmental success: diagnostic efficiency and quality.