Tyrx said that AIGISRx Flat delivers the anti-microbial agents, rifampin and minocycline which have been shown to reduce infection by organisms representing a majority of the infections reported in cardiac rhythm management device (CRMD)-related endocarditis, including ‘superbugs’ or MRSA. AIGISRx Flat also offers the implanting physician additional flexibility in the application of these lifesaving devices.

According to the National Hospital Discharge Survey, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hospitalization for CRMD infection increased faster than rates of CRMD implants from 1996 through 2006. The disproportionate rise in CRMD-related infections carries public health consequences. This was further reinforced in the January 2010 guideline issued by the American Heart Association and Heart Rhythm Society which explicitly states there is an unmet clinical need in CRMD related infections.

Heather Bloom, assistant professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine and director of Cardiac Electrophysiology Services at Atlanta VA Medical Center, said: “The current AIGISRx envelope provides potent antimicrobial protection and also anchors the device to prevent device migration. However, in patients who are undergoing battery change-outs, using the AIGISRx Flat option helps minimize dissection of the pre-existing pocket.

“Since the risk of infection is much higher in change-outs, partially due to the avascular pocket preventing tissue penetration by oral antibiotics, having a drug-eluting device on the site is of critical importance.”

Robert White, CEO of Tyrx, said: “We anticipate the AIGISRx products will be adopted as the standard during CRMD implants procedures. One of the great strengths of TYRX is the ability to leverage our current anti-bacterial technology into a wide variety of clinical applications. We are eager to help physicians and hospitals continue to address the significant unmet needs in infection control.”