The LWR is a 7-axis jointed-arm robot that performs demanding tasks requiring maximum precision and sensitivity while having a powerful touch that is very close to the motion sequences of the human arm.

In addition, some of its main features include torque, precise position and control, tested safety measures, low weight (about 15kg); and high efficiency power consumption. Moreover, a surgeon will be able to teach the LWR to perform a repetitive task simply by demonstration, for example, by moving the robot manually through each step of the task in the correct order.

Titan Medical’s Amadeus development program is aimed at improving upon keyhole or minimally invasive surgery (surgery without large incisions).

Reiza Rayman, president of Titan Medical, said: “Kuka’s Light Weight Robot represents a significant advancement in medically designed robotic technology. The intelligence, speed, and accuracy of the LWR are currently unprecedented. We feel confident that this technology will add further advanced capability to Titan’s Amadeus platform.”