Stretta Therapy, which involves delivery of radiofrequency energy to the LES and gastric cardia, is designed for use for those gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients, who do not respond well to medical management.

Numerous clinical studies conducted on Stretta has shown to be a safe, effective and durable therapeutic option.

The meta-analysis included results from 18 separate clinical studies and examined the impact of Stretta therapy on GERD symptoms.

Both subjective and objective outcome measurements of GERD also showed statistically significant improvement in GERD-HRQL score, QOLRAD score, SF-36 Physical, SF-36 Mental, Heartburn score, Satisfaction score, Esophageal Acid Exposure and DeMeester score.

The Ohio State University minimally invasive surgery center general and gastrointestinal surgery division Chief and one of the study authors Scott Melvin said, "In this review, our analysis concludes that the Stretta procedure produces a significant reduction in acid exposure, as well as significant improvements in GERD symptoms, patient satisfaction, and quality of life at short and intermediate term follow-up."

Mederi Therapeutics CEO and Stretta manufacturer Will Rutan said the meta-analysis presents a comprehensive assessment of the impressive body of data and confirms the safety of Stretta, its effectiveness in symptom relief, and a significant reduction in harmful esophageal acid exposure.

"Moreover, recently published studies with long term follow up have concluded that these outstanding results are durable as well," Rutan added.

The company said a meta-analysis of Stretta therapy was published in the August issue of Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques.