Launched in Canada, the Prodigy is the implantable spinal cord stimulation (SCS) system that will reduce pain and eliminate paresthesia, the tingling sensation commonly associated with traditional SCS.

University of Saskatchewan department of surgery head Dr Ivar Mendez said: "Burst stimulation is a novel technology for SCS that has the potential to be effective in patients that do not respond well to traditional tonic stimulation.

"Studies have shown that with Burst stimulation patients can experience reduced paresthesia and pay less attention to their pain improving their overall experience with SCS therapy."

SCS therapy uses an implanted pulse generator and thin wires with electrodes to provide low levels of electrical energy to nerve fibers. These electrical pulses will block or interrupt pain signals as they travel to the brain, reducing the sensation of pain.

The company, through an investigational device exemption (IDE) approval from the US and Drug Administration (FDA), initiated a study known as Success Using Neuromodulation with BURST (SUNBURST).

The study will assess whether Burst stimulation can be more effective in managing chronic pain than traditional tonic stimulation. The Prodigy neurostimulator is not yet approved for use in the US.