Soin Neuroscience, a biotech startup in Dayton, OH that is developing a novel spinal cord stimulator system to treat chronic pain, has announced that it has tested its TunedTX platform using very low frequency stimulation. “At frequencies this low, it is believed that our waveform may reversibly block axonal conduction through neural inhibition by sodium channel inactivation. This is a novel mechanism of action in spinal cord stimulation”, noted Dr. Amol Soin.

Soin Neuroscience has begun initial testing in humans for safety and tolerability using very low frequency stimulation. “Making sure the system is safe is of prime importance. One safety concern with very low frequency stim is charge balancing, and our innovative TunedTx platform is uniquely charge balanced while delivering frequencies this low. We believe the variability built into our waveform design will offer some unique advantages over other systems.” Dr. Soin said.

Soin Neuroscience’s spinal cord stimulation system is not FDA approved and for investigational use only. Dr. Amol Soin went on to say that “The very low frequency stimulation platform is one of many novel waveforms across both high and low frequencies that we are testing to help create a versatile experience for our patients while arming our clinicians with the tools they need to help patients achieve maximal pain relief. Honestly, right now we are just testing things in the lab to see what works, what doesn’t work, and what is practical to use. Sometimes these experiments blossom into viable programs and sometimes they are a dead end.”

Source: Company Press Release