Sequenom said that with the capability for quantitative gene expression analysis, epigenetic nucleic acid methylation analysis as well as high-throughput genotyping and SNP fine mapping applications, the MassARRAY Analyzer 4 is designed to empower the basic and translational research community to advance findings from basic genetic and biomarker studies toward clinical utility in diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of diseases.

The MassArray Analyzer 4 system is expected to initially be offered to research-use-only (RUO) laboratories, and subject to FDA clearance will be released to CLIA-certified laboratories for the generation and implementation of laboratory-developed tests.

The new system has been configured to provide increased throughput, faster time-to-results, and the ability to cost-effectively run from tens to thousands of samples daily, making this an ideal genetic analysis system for use in basic and translational research.

Sequenom claimed that MassARRAY Analyzer 4 system consists of features that accommodate the needs of both low- and high-throughput laboratories with 96 and 384-well options. It takes shorter time-to-result with up to two times faster chip scan rate New easy-to-use Analyzer control software reduces hands-on time.

Michael Monko, senior vice president of genetic analysis sales and marketing at Sequenom, said: “With the addition of the MassArray Analyzer 4 system, Sequenom now offers a faster, more robust instrument which builds upon our proven MassArray technology shown to produce high quality data.

“The launch of this cost-effective instrument should allow a wider range of labs and institutions to add the power of mass spectrometry-based applications to their research and translational medicine studies. Additionally, having a system built under design control will allow us to pursue our ultimate goal of registering the system and related tests for FDA approval.”