Pursuant to the terms of the five-year agreement, Acentia will move IDE’s current RI-NBS to a secure cloud-based model and the company will also provide infrastructure and application administration for all RI-NBS users for the life of the agreement.
Acentia executive vice president and Health Sector executive Mike Raymond noted the DOH is honored that Acentia has been selected to support the Rhode Island Health Department’s efforts to transform its legacy application from a traditional dedicated hardware configuration to a dynamic cloud environment.
"Moving the application to the cloud significantly reduces the cost while improving agility, scalability, and maintaining the highest level of security. Importantly, Acentia’s support of the RI-NBS will allow the public health officers in Rhode Island to focus on their core business — keeping the population healthy," Raymond added.
Controlling the spread of infectious diseases, the IDE serves and protects the Rhode Island public. The IDE uses NBS as the primary method of disease incidence monitoring, case management, disease surveillance, analysis, and notification of diseases to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.