Jeffrey Valko, president and chief executive officer of Reverse Medical, said: “We are pleased to have Getz Bros. as our strategic partner and investor. The depth and strength of the Getz network throughout Asia will greatly assist Reverse Medical in developing a leadership role in revascularizing patients experiencing Acute Ischemic Stroke.

“I am honored by Getz recognition of the unique differentiating value from the Reverse Medical technology, and the promise for market leadership worldwide. We are actively developing similar partnerships for European distribution as well.”

Ray Simkins, president of Getz, said: “We are truly impressed by the innovation of Reverse Medical and the speed with which they’ve achieved product development, regulatory approvals, compelling evidence of human use and commercial readiness.

“Getz believes the worldwide market for medical devices to revascularize patients experiencing Acute Ischemic Stroke remains vastly under-penetrated, with significant opportunity for advanced technology adoption and growth.”