US-based medical device company RetinalGeniX Technologies has secured a patent for its Patient Home Monitoring and Integrated Physician Alert System for Ocular Anatomy.

The device is said to be a home monitoring system that is installed in the patient’s home to send an alarm to a doctor who is located far away.

The doctor may then conduct a pre-diagnostic review remotely to determine whether an in-person medical diagnosis is necessary.

According to RetinalGeniX, the technique may help in the early identification of systemic disease through high-resolution remote retinal imaging and in-home real-time monitoring when used along with the firm’s DNA/GPS technology.

The home monitoring and alert system helps overcome the drawbacks of the conventional model of eye care by promptly responding to initial indicators of eye conditions and arranging appointments with eye care specialists quickly, the medical device firm said.

Additionally, it can enable patients to track their health remotely and remove the need for regular in-person office visits for screenings or non-diagnostic assessments.

RetinalGeniX CEO Jerry Katzman said: “The eyes are an extension of the brain and can offer early indications of systemic disease. Being able to observe these changes, whether at home or remotely, can be a game changer.

“In light of the severe shortage of healthcare professionals, remote diagnostic technology is essential for efficient patient management. The current diagnostic process is neither timely nor cost-effective if a patient cannot physically visit the emergency room, doctor’s office, or laboratory.

“RetinalGeniX is leading the charge in embracing this paradigm shift and we fully expect the imminent emergence of pharmaco-genetic mapping enhanced home diagnostics.”

In 2020, the company unveiled RetinalCam which can enable doctors to monitor patients at risk of vision-related diseases remotely, using telehealth to bridge the gap during Covid-19.

It is designed to send digital images and streaming videos to a patient’s doctor easily from home.