The product is expected to be commercialised from RepRegen’s repair-and-regeneration platform of ‘smart’ biomaterials for hard tissue, such as bone.

Ian Brown, CEO of RepRegen, said: “This European regulatory approval enables us to fast-forward the discussions we are having with several potential strategic partners about our hard tissue platform, in general, and our StronBone product, in particular.”

Stephen Rietiker, chairman, said: “We have previously said that the business opportunities ahead of RepRegen are significant and that some of these opportunities are near-term. The Company’s ‘smart’ biomaterials related to its hard tissue platform represent great new medical device products for the orthopedic biomaterials market sector that will be well-received.”

RepRegen is a medical device company that uses patent-pending repair and regeneration technology platforms designed to mend and regrow hard tissue such as bone and soft tissue such as cartilage.

A spin-out from Imperial Innovations and headquartered within the Imperial College Incubator, RepRegen is poised to commercialise the initial product of its hard tissue repair and regeneration platform, StronBone Bone Graft Substitute.