The company provides components, tools and solutions for its MCU-based solutions to offer easy connectivity, high-performance, low-power and high-integration elements for current and next- portable medical devices.

Renesas develops solutions for the Continua Health Alliance, ANT+ Alliance, Wi-Fi, USB and Ethernet protocols.

The company’s ANT+ demonstration will pair a low-power RL78 with an ANT+ radio module that supports data exchanges between heart rate monitors devices and aids users to track and manage their fitness and personal health.

Renesas’ low-power V850 MCUs support the Continua medical software without sacrificing battery life for portable blood glucose monitors.

Renesas’ R8C Continua dongle support Continua’s blood pressure monitoring as a simple method to support Continua on an existing medical system.

The company’s RX MCU component with certified Wi-Fi module which balances ultra-low power and high performance, as well as future proofing 802.11n connectivity aids engineers of embedded systems for easier Wi-Fi connectivity.

Renesas will also display the performance of its RX CPU and the utility of its external DMA controller demonstrating how graphic information is moved with minimal loading on the RX CPU.