NIMBUS Advanced Active is a superabsorbent, non-leaching antimicrobial dressing that provides a moist wound healing environment plus the sustained release of active agents to promote optimum healing of burns and chemical blistering wounds.

Specific agents used in this study were a growth factor, an antibiotic protease inhibitor (doxycycline) and antioxidant vitamins C and E.

The in vivo animal experiments, which were conducted on half of Quick-Med by Battelle Memorial Institute, found that the NIMBUS-based dressings provided significantly improved wound healing compared to controls.

Relative to controls, wounds treated with NIMBUS Advanced Active prototype dressings had more rapid formation of mature and well ordered dermal tissue with no scar tissue generation, and better structural support epidermis.

Quick-Med’s R&D on this project is being supported by a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant awarded by the US Army Medical Research and Material Command.

NIMBUS received De Novo FDA clearance in 2009 and has been commercialized in traditional wound care applications.

NIMBUS technology is protected by 10 US patents and patents pending and 24 foreign counterparts.

Additional applications under development include advanced wound dressings, medical adhesives, and catheters.