Quick-Med president Bernd Liesenfeld noted the company is very excited to work together with Medline to commercialize its Stay Fresh technology for the traditional wound care market.

"Our technologies are specifically designed to be effective against resistant organisms like MRSA and to prevent new resistant bacteria from emerging. Medline has an unparalleled distribution network between retail and institutional sectors. They allow us together to provide the greatest possible population with safe, effective antimicrobial products in support of infection prevention and control programs," Liesenfeld added.

Institute for Wound Research director and University of Florida Obstetrics and Gynecology Professor Gregory Schultz noted this is an exciting new technology that is well suited for the traditional wound care field since peroxide is effective against a broad array of microbes, including antibiotic resistant species of public health importance, while also posing little risk of allowing microbes to develop resistance to it.

"Stay Fresh antimicrobial activity is based on peroxide, which is the chemical mechanism utilized by the body’s own neutrophils to kill invading pathogens, and therefore provides optimum biological safety,"