ADx SSc Multilisa has been designed for scientific research-use only (RUO) product.

The company is undertaking further clinical testing of the kit to build a diagnostic claim for early disease detection or stratification from August 2014.

Protagen CEO Stefan Müllner said, "Based on our long track record in the discovery and validation of autoantigen biomarkers using the proprietary SeroTag® technology, our development pipeline is built on a strong patent portfolio and designed to support clinical research, targeted therapy, and the continuous delivery of novel diagnostic products."

Systemic sclerosis is said to be the complex and multisystem rheumatic disease in which autoimmune-induced inflammation, fibrosis and vasculopathy lead to a complex pattern of organ-specific complications associated with high mortality and morbidity.

Protagen said that it uses SeroTag biomarker platform to identify disease specific autoantibodies and is on target to provide autoimmune diagnostic products, specifically targeting diseases with an unmet need for effective diagnostics.