The results showed that administering fluticasone with OptiNose’s device is effective in the treatment of refractory CRS, with significant and clinically relevant improvements compared with placebo in both subjective and objective measures of the disease.

The prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel study of 20 adult patients with longstanding refractory CRS to medical and surgical treatment showed objective results that after 12 weeks, there were improvements in the MRI scores in the OptiNose group.

The subjective results showed that the nasal domain of the quality of life assessment (RSOM-31) was improved with OptiNose treatment as compared with placebo.

Academic Medical Centre ENT Department chair in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and professor Fokkens said that the study demonstrates the importance of how treatment delivery can be a key determinant of treatment success.

“OptiNose’s bi-directional technology showed remarkably good results in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis who did not sufficiently respond to standard medical treatment and repeated surgery,” Fokkens said.