NEBNext reagents are a series of highly pure reagents that facilitate sample preparation for downstream applications, such as next generation sequencing. All reagents undergo stringent quality controls and functional validation, ensuring maximum yield, convenience and value.

Available as sets, master mixes or modules, NEBNext reagents offer convenience and allow customization based on the sequencing platform being used. Reagents are available for each step of the library construction workflow, including end-repair, dA-tailing, adapter ligation and amplification. Additionally, NEB offers NEBNext dsDNA Fragmentase™, an enzyme-based solution for fragmentation of DNA.

New England Biolabs is a world leader in the production and supply of reagents for the life science industry. NEB offers the largest selection of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research and continues to expand its product offerings into areas related to proteomics and drug discovery.

At New England Biolabs, science has always been a priority and through this approach, NEB’s reagents have gained a world-wide reputation for setting the highest of standards for quality and value.