The MetaMorph super-resolution system, which can be used along with fluorescence and TIRF microscopes, extends the limits of light microscopy and enables online analysis of cell compartments which are smaller than 250 nanometers.

The super-resolution system is built on the user-friendly MetaMorph software which guides researchers through setup, acquisition, and analysis, ensuring that relevant configuration and display settings are readily accessible.

Licensed from the Center for Scientific Research and University of Bordeaux, France, the system is also equipped with a GPU accelerated hardware which supports fast acquisition and analysis with real-time super-resolution image display.

Side-by-side displays and image statistics provide a multifaceted view of the quality and progress of image acquisition and processing, claims the company.

In addition, the system featuring optional offline mode option allows super-resolution processing of previously acquired images.

CNRS-Univ. Bordeaux Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience team leader Jean-Baptiste Sibarita said, "The affordability of this revolutionary system also means that more laboratories will be able to access advanced microscopy techniques, stimulating new research and important discoveries."