The systems installed in Nigeria included MinXray’s HF120/60HPPWV PowerPlus, one of the portable x-ray units available along with POC 140 CR computed radiography systems. The systems were installed in seven locations around the country some in locations previously without x-ray imaging capability.

MinXray said that the systems were purchased by funding provided by the US Government as part of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). There were several implementing partners including the University of Maryland and Columbia University AIDS relief programs.

MinXray has recently supported North Carolina based Shoulder-to-Shoulder- a long-time supporter and builder of basic health care systems in Honduras and elsewhere. MinXray was part of a team of corporations that installed portable x-ray, CR and PACS systems in a newly built S-T-S clinic. The clinic will serve 15,000 people that at present have very limited health care options.

MinXray provided its HF100H+ portable x-ray device. MinXray’s system is being used by local MDs that are processing the images using iCRco model 3600 CR system and storing them on MEDWEB PACS thus bringing portable digital imaging to a remote section of Honduras. Joel Koplos, VP of marketing and sales of MinXray represented the company at the installation of the equipment and the inauguration of the site.