EWS aggregates information from multiple vital signs and clinical observations to generate a score that represents the potential degree of patient deterioration.

Root, which works in conjunction with Radical-7® or Radius-7® Pulse CO-Oximeters® and Masimo Open Connect™ (MOC-9™) measurements, features Masimo SET® Measure-through Motion and Low Perfusion™ pulse oximetry, rainbow SET™ pulse CO-Oximetry, NomoLine™ capnography and gas monitoring, SedLine® brain function monitoring, O3™ regional oximetry, and SunTech® blood pressure and Welch Allyn® temperature monitoring.

Masimo SET® helps clinicians monitor oxygen saturation and pulse rate during motion and low perfusion for more than 100 million patients a year1, including at 16 of the top 20 hospitals listed in the 2016-17 U.S. News and World Report Best Hospitals Honor Roll.2

Patient data from Radical-7 or Radius-7 and data collected using Root and other connected Masimo and third-party devices can be shared with Masimo Patient SafetyNet™*, providing hospital-wide remote monitoring and clinician notification, as well as the ability to automatically transfer patient data to a hospital’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR).

Each time a clinician transfers data to the EMR via Root connected to Patient SafetyNet, an Early Warning Score (EWS) can now be included. Clinicians can also choose to have the standalone Root, not connected to Patient SafetyNet, perform EWS calculations, helping assist spot-check-based nursing workflows.

Early warning scores are based on multiple contributors, including vital signs such as oxygen saturation, pulse rate, respiration rate, body temperature, and systolic blood pressure – and contributors entered by clinicians, such as level of consciousness, use of supplemental oxygen, and urine output.

The weighting and number of contributors differ depending upon which EWS protocol is used. Root can be customized for various predefined EWS protocols, or hospitals can configure their own set of required contributors, and their relative weights, to create an EWS unique to their care environment.

“Root, from its versatile connectivity options to its advanced patient monitoring, from rainbow® SpHb® to SET® SpO2, helps hospitals improve patient care. We hope the addition of Early Warning Score to Root will help automate a potentially valuable calculation and streamline its inclusion in EMRs,” said Joe Kiani, Founder and CEO of Masimo.