Using Altos Solutions’ oncology electronic medical record OncoEMR, Lake Norman began adapting its practice in January 2011 to prove that it met or exceeded the Medicare requirements and attested to meaningful use in the first week of the Medicare program.
To attest to meaningful use, eligible professionals must report numerator, denominator, and exclusion results, if applicable, for the meaningful use objectives and attest that they have successfully met the requirements of the program.
Once eligible professionals have successfully completed an online submission through the Attestation System, they qualify for a Medicare EHR incentive payment.
Altos Solutions president Warren Dodge said OncoEMR is web based and the beauty of this is that the upgrades identified in working with Lake Norman are already available to all 700+ of other customers because they make these upgrades on a regular basis after hours.
California-based Altos Solutions is a provider of web-based software applications for community-based oncology practices.