Kubota Vision, a clinical-stage specialty ophthalmology company and wholly-owned subsidiary of Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd. (Tokyo 4596), announced today the results from a clinical study in children using a wearable myopia control device based on Kubota Glass technology. The study was a six-month prospective longitudinal trial conducted at Manhattan Vision Associates / Institute for Vision Research (“MVA”) in New York City. The results demonstrated children between the ages of 10 and 17 using the study device for approximately 1.5-hour sessions five days per week experienced significantly less myopic refractive error progression and axial elongation in treated eyes compared with published age- and ethnicity-matched virtual control patients. The differences after 12 months projected out to 0.42D (131%) less for cycloplegic refractive error progression and 0.21 mm (96%) less axial elongation for the Kubota Glass technology versus age- and ethnicity-matched virtual control patients.

Ryo Kubota, MD, PhD, Chairman, President, and CEO of Kubota Vision Inc., stated, “As discussed in the recent publication from July 13, 2022, we were pleased to see the efficacy of Kubota Glass for adults in a benchtop optical system. These new data also demonstrate an inhibitory effect on the progression of myopia in this six-month long-term study in children using a spectacle-type device less than two hours a day, five days a week. The onset of myopia at a young age increases the risk of high myopia. We will continue accumulating evidence for Kubota Glass technology as a safe, effective and easy approach to control myopia.”

Myopia, the most common ocular disorder worldwide, is the leading cause of visual impairment in children. Alarmingly, the incidence of myopia is increasing rapidly. In 2020, an estimated 2.6 billion people (34% of the world’s population) were myopic, with 399 million (5.2%) having high myopia. This is projected to rise to 50% and 10%, respectively, over the next 30 years. It is projected myopia will be the leading cause of permanent blindness by 2050.

Source: Company Press Release