iSOFT and Medic4all will collaborate to deliver telehealth and solutions that cater to the burgeoning demand for preventative healthcare and wellness management. The agreement adds significant value to iSOFT’s existing consumer and health media strategy by providing immediate go-to-market products and services.
Connecting the patient at home with the health professional through telemonitoring devices and low-power short-range wireless interfaces driving mobile solutions and phones will become fundamental tools that the health professional will increasingly rely on daily to deliver care. Industry analysts predict that the market for home health monitoring of chronic diseases in the Europe and the US reached $11bn in 2009 and is growing at 10% per year.
Under the agreement, iSOFT will deliver a solution that allows the health professional to reach out and touch the patient in the community and vice-versa. The solution includes platforms and devices such as: Monitoring Operations Centre, Home Care Platform, Monitoring Centre Software, Monitoring Gateways that communicate wirelessly with medical monitoring devices placed in the patient’s home or workplace, and transmit patient data to a monitoring centre and Web-based personal health record.
The others are WristClinic, Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor, Watch Me, Wireless Weight Scales, Wireless Blood Glucose meter, a diabetes control tool that displays blood glucose level and wirelessly transmits the measurements data to a monitoring center and Web-based personal health record.
Shai Misan, CEO of Medic4all, said: “The demand and awareness for personal health services is growing dramatically. The leadership of iSOFT in the public health market will allow Medic4all to enlarge its capacity to offer health monitoring services at home, in the office, and while outdoors by integrating its services and platforms with the professional health community internationally.”
Gary Cohen, executive chairman and CEO of iSOFT, said: “Telehealth is one of the growing areas of innovation as healthcare systems move away from the traditional hospital-based model and increasingly turn to wellness management and preventative care strategies that use electronic technologies to put the patient in control. Medic4all has internationally-recognised expertise and an established market presence in telehealth that can be leveraged with iSOFT’s global leadership across the entire continuum of healthcare technology.”