Financial details related to the acquisition have not been disclosed. Tem offers in vitro diagnostics (IVD) testing for patient blood management (PBM) via ROTEM testing system.
The PBM product line and expertise complement IL's focus on hemostasis and critical care testing.
IL said ROTEM whole blood analysers from CA Casyso can provide rapid differential diagnosis of coagulopathies for trauma and surgical patients with clinically significant bleeding. It supports targeted transfusion and coagulation factor concentrate therapy and this makes it key to PBM programs.
The concept of PBM is that it is a multi-disciplinary, evidence-based medical concept, which optimises a patient’s blood volume and can minimise blood loss, thereby reducing the need for transfusion.
IL also noted that many transfusions are inappropriate, resulting in avoidable complications, significantly increase morbidity, mortality and overall hospital costs.
ROTEM testing systems use rotational thromboelastometry technology which can rapidly detect coagulopathies associated with perioperative bleeding allows treatment with targeted therapy and can reduce massive bleeding and haemorrhagic shock.
The system can give out reliable results for differential diagnosis and treatment within 10-15 minutes as compared to 45-60 minutes taken in traditional laboratory testing.
IL CEO Ramon Benet said: "A passion for innovation, leading systems and extensive knowledge in PBM, make Tem a perfect complement to our focus, commitment, and leadership in Hemostasis and Critical Care IVD.
"IL and our global Werfen organizations are ideally positioned to maximize the potential of the ROTEM product line, which intersects our existing business and presents synergies in our core competencies and customer call points.
“Most importantly, ROTEM systems share the same ultimate benefit of all our products — to help customers reduce overall hospital costs, while improving patient care."