The patent application titled ‘Healthcare information management and communications system and method,’ makes 104 separate claims.

With the filing of the full utility patent, InstaCare plans to immediately engage and close several of its previously discussed strategic partnership arrangements with one or more major healthcare IT companies.

InstaCare also plans to file additional continuation in part patent applications covering the MD@Practice-Probe technologies, for world-wide communication between cell phones and health data repositories and the Medical Game Theory Methods and Processes specifically directed toward patient diagnosis and treatment protocols.

InstaCare Chairman Robert Jagunich said after careful consultation with intellectual property counsel and after a recent favorable ruling from the US Supreme court they have elected to file full utility Patent covering 104 separate claims for MD@Hand and MD@Work technologies.

"Both of these products make use of the company’s proprietary securitized permanent EMR applications designed specifically for smart cell phones. The steps we have taken will protect the company and its shareholders from efforts initiated by our competition, patent trolls and copycats," Jagunich said.