The LipiScan IVUS system utilises a new multimodality imaging catheter, which combines the complementary technologies of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), enabling interventional cardiologists to rapidly determine both the structure of plaque (via IVUS) along with its chemical composition (via NIR spectroscopy).

NIR spectroscopy detects lipid-core coronary plaques (LCP), which can impact the safety of stenting and are associated with heart attacks that occur in those who have received stents and in the general population.

InfraReDx founder and chief executive officer James Muller said that the LipiScan IVUS system is the culmination of a major effort to develop a single catheter that utilises both light and sound to characterise coronary plaques.

“The near-infrared spectroscopic feature is an excellent means to identify lipid core plaque while the traditional ultrasound provides a picture of the plaque that is useful for stenting decisions,” Muller said.

“This new multimodality imaging system will provide the interventional cardiologist with additional information about the extent of atherosclerosis within the coronary artery that will help assess the level of risk of stenting procedures.”