Immunovaccine’s DepoVax platform is a lipid depot-based vaccine delivery technology.
The primary cell-derived biologic, IRX-2, designed to restore the immune system, seeks to overcome cancer-induced immune suppression and restore anti-tumor response, vital steps in successfully treating cancer.
The research aims to show that the combination of two technologies generates a superior anti-tumor immune response and will provide the foundation for the development of therapeutic cancer vaccines.
IRX Therapeutics chief scientific officer Neil Berinstein said that the pre-clinical studies have already shown that IRX-2 can enhance immune response triggered by peptide and other cancer vaccine platforms and there is reason to believe that this would be further enhanced by combining IRX-2 with Immunovaccine’s DepoVax- immune adjuvant platform.
Immunovaccine Research and Development vice president Marc Mansour said that IRX-2 has interesting immune-modulating characteristics and they hope that combining it with DepoVax-based anti-cancer vaccines, the result would be a synergistic anti-tumor effect.