IDS has developed a new imaging device, CTLM system, to aid in the detection and management of breast cancer. It is a breast imaging system that utilises patented continuous wave laser technology and computer algorithms to create 3-D images of the breast.
The procedure is non-invasive, painless, and does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation or painful breast compression. CT Laser Mammography (CTLM) is designed to be used in conjunction with mammography. It reveals information about blood distribution in the breast and may visualize the process of angiogenesis, which usually accompanies tumor growth.
Ultra-X Brazil is expected to introduce the CTLM system to the private and public sector, government officials, exhibit at local trade shows, and support additional clinical studies for future applications of the CTLM technology, said the company.
Deborah Brien, senior vice president of IDSI, said: “We are pleased to have representation in Brazil, and to have the opportunity to introduce CTLM technology to the market. Through the efforts of our new distributor, CTLM could provide a solution to some of the clinical problems that physicians and women in the region are currently facing.”