ClearPath is a multi-channel catheter brachytherapy, or internal radiation therapy, device used in breast cancer treatments designed to preserve the breast. Instead of irradiating the entire breast with an external beam of radiation, ClearPath brachytherapy can be employed to limit radiation exposure to the narrow margin of tissue surrounding the tumor site cavity where the residual cancer cells are most likely to occur.

ClearPath’s design allows for conformal therapeutic radiation dose distribution during treatment and accommodates both high-dose rate and low-dose rate treatment methods.

Hui Xiaobing, chairman and CEO of Huiheng, said: “Aside from the US market, we believe that ClearPath has great potential to help breast cancer patients in China, where the incidence of breast cancer is increasing each year ostensibly due to changes in lifestyle, widespread pollution and changes in diet.

“Once integrated into our low-cost, high quality manufacturing system in China, we plan to begin marketing and distributing the product in China and throughout the world, including the US. As a leading provider of radiation oncology solutions in China, we expect to find the same success with ClearPath that we have had with the rest of our advanced radiation oncology products.”