The first area that Health Robotics and its two new North American partners set to rectify in August 2009, was the service personnel hiring and training, the creation of a North American spare parts depot, and the organization of a customer help desk, in direct and material breach of their service obligations.

The next area (after service) that Health Robotics and its two new North American partners set to improve was to expand business development activities. The company claims that two new North American distributors have generated enough new contractual relationships in two months to permit at least 50 new installations in 2010, over ten times more units in only one year than the prior three years combined installations of the now-terminated prior distribution channels.

Werner Rainer, CEO of Health Robotics, said: “I’m satisfied with our progress since last Summer we decided to terminate for cause the prior underperforming and inept distribution and service channels in North America – and also with the fact that we have accomplished so much more over the last 6 months than in the prior 3 years combined.”

“I want to congratulate McKesson for the commitment they showed to service and support by devoting more than 15 FTEs to multiple months of both classroom and field training, culminating on February 5th with the hand-over to McKesson of all CytoCare service and support activities in North America.”