The new system, LOGIQ E9 with XDclear, is built using LOGIQ E9 platform and XDclear transducer technology.

With the advancements in acoustic engineering used in XDclear technology, users of the new C1-6 and C2-9 transducers experience increased penetration of 2-4 cm and high definition resolution throughout the image, according to the company.

The system also includes B-Flow imaging capability, which uses non-Doppler technology to display true hemodynamics and enables direct visualization of blood flow, and Compare Assistant plus Breast and Thyroid Productivity Packages to help improve overall workflow.

In addition, the system includes an expansion of Volume Navigation capabilities with new tools and accessories such as automatic CT registration.

GE Healthcare general imaging ultrasound general manager Brian McEathron said, "We’ve added innovative capabilities to help address the ultrasound exam volume and imaging challenges that clinicians face every day."

The company said the new system will be on display at RSNA until 30 November 2012.