Medical technology firm GE Healthcare has launched a new medical device cybersecurity solution, dubbed Skeye, to address cybersecurity threats faced by hospital groups.

Skeye is said to combine medical device expertise, artificial intelligence and process management tools to help hospitals detect, analyse and respond to cybersecurity threats and events in real time.

In addition, the new solution will leverage existing resources and capabilities of hospitals, and provides advanced monitoring through a remote security operations centre (SOC).

GE Healthcare chief information security officer Matt Silva said: “Our customers need visibility to what medical devices are connected to their networks and the right resources to mitigate potential threats.

“This new offering provides customers with 360˚ threat visibility and a resolution roadmap to help defend and protect against vulnerabilities.

“Our security operations center can augment customers’ in-house security teams by addressing cybersecurity events, as well as providing the latest information on malware and other malicious threats.”

GE Healthcare joined forces with TJ Regional Health to test its new Skeye solution

GE Healthcare said that its Skeye solution has been designed as a vendor-agnostic solution, to protect networked medical devices, regardless of age, OEM or operating system, and offer 360˚ coverage, including risk assessment and real-time networked device discovery.

In addition, Skeye is said to leverage AI-enabled tools and the SOC team, which offers monitoring, threat detection and remediation services for connected medical devices, to analyse, monitor and help manage cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

The healthcare technology firm has partnered with TJ Regional Health, an independent, multisite healthcare organisation with two hospitals and eight outlying clinics, located in southern Kentucky, to pilot its new cybersecurity solution Skeye.

The new cybersecurity solution Skeye is currently available to customers in the US.

T.J. Regional Health IT director Chad Friend said: “Defending T.J. Regional Health against malicious cyberattacks and protecting our patients, data and medical facilities is a top priority. We wanted to stay current with cybersecurity trends, assess the risk across our hospitals and clinics and analyze our own preparedness. GE Healthcare’s Skeye offering helps us do just that.”

“As a small hospital group, we don’t have a large IT team. Accessing the global scale, tools and expertise of GE Healthcare gave us a partner to ensure we have a robust cybersecurity process in place and access to the latest information and action plans. After all, who knows how to protect the devices better than an equipment manufacturer?”