The new system enables a continuous flow of electrocardiograph (ECG) data and interactive historical data access, helping mobile clinicians make informed care decisions.

AirStrip said its Cardiology solution’s high resolution can detect such small differences through completely interactive iPad or iPhone views.

Clinicians can view current data and historical tests conducted up to one year ago, in 10-second increments.

A remote cardiologist can now use AirStrip Cardiology to precisely measure ECG waveforms, helping on-site ED clinicians determine if a patient requires cath lab intervention.

In 2010, the FDA cleared the platform behind AirStrip Cardiology, which is HIPAA compliant.

The technology uses security protocols and cloud computing to securely transmit information rather than allowing data to reside on the mobile device, thereby enhancing privacy protections.

Texas-based AirStrip Technologies offers mobile medical software applications designed to work across any platform to improve patient safety and reduce risk in the healthcare setting.