By using these technologies in parallel, physicians can implement screening protocols based on a woman’s breast density and individual risk factors.
Breast tissue density has not only been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, it also decreases the sensitivity of mammography and thereby may impact early detection.
Thirty-five percent of breast cancer goes undetected by mammography in women with dense breasts, as dense tissue masks the appearance of tumors (Boyd et al 2007, NEJM). The measurement of breast density has conventionally relied on visual assessment by a radiologist, a subjective process prone to variability.
VolparaDensity generates an objective, automatic measurement of volumetric breast density to help radiologists assess breast density objectively and Gamma Medica’s LumaGEM Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) system is a highly sensitive secondary diagnostic tool that can detect lesions as small as five millimeters.
"Gamma Medica is looking forward to working closely with Volpara Solutions to better provide women with dense breast tissue the best imaging tools and technology available. By joining forces, we are now in an even better position to help detect breast cancer quicker and earlier and standardize the level of care," said Jim Calandra, CEO, Gamma Medica.