The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning to consumers against the use of unapproved eye drops that closely match the BLCO.TO Lumify product line of Bausch + Lomb.

The list of copycat products includes South Moon, Rebright, and FivFivGo eye drops. The FDA said that these products are offered in packaging that can be easily mistaken for Lumify.

According to the health regulator, the warning is intended to protect the public against the potential risk of eye infection.

Lumify brand eye drops are an over-the-counter product approved for relieving redness in the eye caused by minor irritation.

The FDA said that South Moon, Rebright, and FivFivGo eye drops are not authorised medications and should not be sold in the US market.

These products claim to treat eye diseases including glaucoma, which is addressed with surgery or prescription medications, said the regulator.

The samples of online-purchased South Moon and Rebright eye drops were examined by the agency.

The results revealed that the South Moon was contaminated with Burkholderia cepacia complex, a type of bacteria that can cause an infection resistant to antibiotics.

Rebright tested negative for contamination, but the health regulator has advised against using this product.

The FDA also discovered that the South Moon and Rebright eye drops were imitations and did not include brimonidine tartrate, the active component of Lumify.

However, the samples of FivFivGo could not be obtained by the FDA.

Bausch + Lomb said: “We’re working closely with the FDA and our authorized retail partners to help protect individuals from copycat products.”

As of now, the agency has not received any report of adverse events related to these copycat products.

The FDA said that individuals should consult their healthcare provider or seek emergency medical attention right away if they exhibit any signs or symptoms of an eye infection.

Additionally, the health regulator advised customers to properly dispose of these products.

Furthermore, the FDA recommends consumers to purchase eye products from reputable retailers only.