Entest Biomedical (Entest) and Bio-Matrix Scientific have entered into a letter of intent (LOI) with Advanced Light Devices to develop a proprietary laser system. The investigational medical device is expected to be used in conjunction with Entest’s patent pending adult stem cell therapies for treating patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

The goal of the proposed venture is to produce a laser-based therapeutic platform that increases levels of efficacy of stem cell therapy in patients with COPD. Entest’s patent-pending approach revolves around the use of the patient’s own stem cells in combination with specific laser wavelengths in repairing damaged lung tissue of patients with COPD.

It is anticipated that the laser system will be developed in Bio-Matrix’ Sorrento Mesa facility. It will be the basis for regulatory filings and FDA development of the Entest regenerative photoceutical approach to COPD.

David Koos, president and CEO of Entest Biomedical, said: “This LOI is the product of our previously announced discussions with manufacturers of laser-based therapies, in which we sought partners whose product portfolios and expertise matched Entest’s needs. By controlling not only the intellectual property on a treatment method, but also the practical administration device itself, we are adding another layer of protection to the approach being developed.”

Reportedly, the activities contemplated in the letter of intent are subject to the parties entering into a definitive agreement, which is anticipated to occur shortly. Once such an agreement is reached, schematics, code, and intellectual property pertaining to the new device will be generated and owned by Entest.