The new system allows surgeons and gastroenterologists to use a wider selection of endoscopes-including larger high-definition versions — when performing Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF®) procedures to treat the underlying anatomical causes of GERD.

The new device, which received 501(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in September, is available in the U.S and is the second product iteration in the past 18 months.

"We developed the EsophyX®2 HD device to be compatible with a wider range of endoscopes, including the latest generation high-definition scopes, that generally have larger diameters than traditional devices," said Skip Baldino, President and CEO of EGS. "Now, physicians with either traditional scopes or the latest endoscopic imaging technology may choose the scientifically proven TIF procedure for select patients."

"Insertion was essentially no different from the previous devices; overall, a great experience," said Peter Janu, M.D. of Wisconsin.

Michael Murray, M.D. of Nevada commented, "Much better visualization of fastener deployment."

"As with all of our innovations, it is our goal to continually improve our products and make them easier to use," said Darren Crow, General Manager at EGS. "It is our belief that this particular iteration will enable improved intraoperative visualization, and provide customers with a broader range of high-resolution scope compatibility."

The new model of EsophyX®2 HD accommodates HD endoscopes while retaining the functionality, features and many dimensions of the EsophyX2 Plus device. EGS engineers increased the endoscope channel diameter of EsophyX2 HD to accommodate a broad range of commercially available endoscopes and it is compatible with the existing 6.5 mm and 7.5 mm SerosaFuse® Implantable Fastener cartridges.