With Paxos Scope, health care professionals can use their mobile phone to capture high-resolution anterior segment or retinal photos at the point-of-care, and then securely share and discuss photos with a collaborator or specialist for real-time consultation or referral.

"For an ophthalmologist at a busy practice or working with a larger health system, workflow efficiency without compromising patient care is more important than ever," said Doug Foster, CEO of DigiSight.

"Secure app-based imaging and communication with the Paxos Scope software enables ophthalmologists to collaborate and coordinate patient eye care with other health care professionals in a way that was not previously possible."

Paxos Scope will be featured in the following AAO presentations this week at McCormick Place in Chicago:

Smartphone Fundus Photography (LAB115, Sunday, Oct 16, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, N227A)

Global Forum: Increased Access to Eye Care Through Technology, People, and Partnerships (SYM27, Monday, Oct 17, 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM, Room S101AB)

Universal Nursing Home Ophthalmic Screening Using Smartphone-Based Tele-ophthalmology (PO379, Monday, Oct 17, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM, Hall A)

DigiSight will demonstrate the Paxos technology at AAO Exhibition Booth #1946 and also offer a show-floor discount for registered attendees.