The Barostim neo features a unilateral, 1mm electrode and a new smaller, advanced generator which uses CVRx-patented technology to trigger the body’s own natural blood flow regulation system to treat heart failure.

Barostim neo works by electrically activating the blood pressure sensors – baroreceptors, which regulate cardiovascular function.

CVRx also received an approval to start its Barostim neo Trial in Europe and Canada.

The company also reported the first patient enrollment.

CVRx trial principal investigator professor Uta Hopp said their previous experience with the first-generation Barostim therapy in heart failure was positive, as they saw improvements in both cardiac structure and function.

"We are excited about the potential for the Barostim neo and participation in this clinical trial, which will help us better understand the impact of this therapy on an expanded cohort of patients with heart failure," Hopp said.