CoActive has introduced Exam-3D Suite with advanced visualization, 3D auto-launching, specialised new applications and precise workflow.

The suite always included essential 3D and other advanced visualisation applications as part of its comprehensive family of Exam-Pacs products.

At RSNA 2009, these built-in capabilities are expanded and strengthened, while the company adds a range of new optional modules to its comprehensive 3D portfolio to become one of the premiere Pacs solutions with advanced visualisation and reconstruction tools.

New at RSNA is Exam-3D Colonoscopy, an optional add-on module for the analysis and assessment of colon nodules. It providescolon fly-throughs with a single click, along with precise axial coronal and sagittal views clearly identified by directional cursor indicators. The specialised application also offers easy identification of hard-to-locate nodules, including full analysis and volume measurements.

Delivering similar advanced performance in pulmonary applications, the new Exam-3D Lung module supports analysis and assessment of lung nodules with automated identification of even difficult-to-find nodules. Regions of interest are analysed with a single click and can easily be compared with prior images for monitoring over time.

The company claims that no plug-ins or components need be installed on the client PC. Authorised users simply log-on to access their images and begin using the program with full functionality. Powered by Microsoft Silverlight 3.0, the thin client application, which will be available in early 2010.

Exam-3D adds to the performance for CoActiv’s 3D functionalities. Exam-3D Vascular now includes vessel plaque analysis of hard and soft plaque to support stent planning. Also enhanced are vessel centerline creation and bone removal segmentation.

Through an expanded range of contrast uptake maps, Exam-3D DCE MRI now provides superior comparison of scans conducted using different parameters or contrast agents.

Ed Heere, president, CEO of CoActiv, said: “3D visualisation is becoming increasingly important in lung pathologies, and 3D colon is gaining greater medical industry acceptance. These new module introductions are just one more way CoActiv keeps pace with an evolving marketplace.

“This makes prior MRI scans far more useful, enhancing patient care. It may even save the healthcare system money by eliminating retakes. These new applications and features help make advanced image visualization an integral part of radiology workflow for the benefit of patient care.”