US-based CJPS Medical Systems is planning to roll out VitalPoint Remote Patient Monitor, which measures patients' vital signs from home, allowing secure and direct communication with their caregiver, creating electronic medical records, and transmitting vital signs data, into the UK market.

Through VitalPoint patients not only receive automatic reminders, instructions, or custom questions from the caregiver, but also can easily respond or send information without any technical knowledge, by simply pressing their answers, right onto the screen.

The device can monitor blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate, weight, glucose level, prothrombine time and ratios, temperature, fluid status, and provide electrocardiogram data.

The types of systems could provide formidable cost savings to the UK healthcare system if they were utilized in just a handful of chronic diseases on patients 65 years old and older, not only through treatment compliance monitoring, but also from risky event prevention.

CJPS Medical Systems CEO Christophe Sevrain said everyone agrees that the only way to provide better care to a rapidly aging population while reducing healthcare costs, given the shortage of nurses and physicians, is to enable and deploy homecare monitoring.

In addition, the particular system combines the vital signs monitoring data with other patients’ data such as allergies, prescriptions, treatments, medical history, and insurance information.